If yes, when did you go and what was the nature of your trip?
If yes, what were your impressions of the country? Were they positive, neutral, or negative?
We would like to learn the factors behind your decision to join the Israel Trek?
Please rate each of the following statements on the scale 1 - “very important", 2 - “somewhat important”, 3 - “not very important”, 4 - "not at all important".
I've always wanted to go to Israel
I'm curious to see Israel for myself
I'm curious to visit religious sites in Israel
I want to gain a better understanding of the Israel tech and business scene
I want to gain a better understanding of the geopolitical landscape
I want to gain a better understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
I want to experience the ethnic and religious diversity of Israel
The NBEC Israel trip is an entry point into the NBEC council network
The NBEC Israel trip has a reputation as being an amazing experience
I foresee the trip experience being useful in my professional life
Friend(s) and/or colleague(s) encouraged me to go
In your own words, what do you want most from this trip at this time in your life?
List three adjectives that come to mind when you think of Israel?
How would you describe your own familiarity with Israel in terms of each of the following aspects of the country?
Please rate each of these aspects on a scale from “0” - “not at all familiar” to “10” - “extremely familiar”, using the numbers in between to indicate the extent of your current familiarity.
Israeli culture
Israeli technology & innovation
Israel's political system and government
Ethnic and religious diversity of Israel
Israel in the context of the geography and politics of the Middle East
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Given your current, general knowledge of Israel, please indicate the extent of your agreement with the following statements. We understand that you may feel that you don’t know enough about some of the topics below, but please do rate each based on your current knowledge and awareness.
(Please rate your agreement with the following statements on a scale from 0 - “strongly disagree" to 10- "strongly agree".)
Israelis have many different political points of view
Jewish Israelis have many different religious views
Jewish Israelis have many different views of the other religions practiced in Israel
Arab Israelis have many different views of the other religions practiced in Israel
Innovations developed by Israeli businesses have made significant global contributions
Israelis come from many different ethnic backgrounds
I am informed about the political, historical and geographic context in which Israel exists
I feel empathy for Israel's history and the efforts Israelis have made to build a country
Israel makes efforts to uphold democratic principles while dealing with ongoing issues of security
I can see myself describing the complexity of Israel in a conversation with others
I feel a personal connection to Israel
Given your current, general knowledge of the Jewish community, please indicate the extent of your agreement with the following statements. We understand that you may feel that you don’t know enough about some of the topics below, but please do rate each based on your current knowledge and awareness.
(Please rate your agreement with the following statements on a scale from 0 - “strongly disagree" to 10- "strongly agree".)
I understand why Israel and Zionism are important to the Jewish people
I appreciate the vibrancy of Jewish religious practice and traditions
I am knowledgeable about historic and contemporary forms of antisemitism
I feel personally motivated to address antisemitism
I am committed to strengthening Black-Jewish alliances
I can draw parallels between Jewish and Black people’s efforts to achieve collective self-determination